About Us

Clough & Associates was established in 1995. The company is based in Auckland but operates throughout the country. The archaeologists and other consultants at Clough & Associates Ltd have been involved in all aspects of cultural heritage management.

The team has a diverse background having trained and worked in many countries in Europe, North America, Asia and the Pacific Islands. We have undertaken research on pre-colonial and historic sites, Maori pā and settlements, NZ Colonial-era prisons and redoubts, historic farmhouses as well as 20th century heritage.

More detailed CVs are available upon request.


Rod Clough

Rod Clough

PhD (London) Director

Rod is one of New Zealand's most experienced consulting archaeologists. Prior to establishing the consultancy he worked at the University of Auckland, lecturing and researching in historic and pre-contact archaeology in New Zealand and the Pacific.

Sarah Macready

Sarah Macready

MA (London) Director
British trained archaeologist with experience in NZ urban archaeology and conservation planning. Sarah has worked as an editor and archaeologist and was a Technical Support Supervisor (Historic Resources) at the Department of Conservation for several years.

Ellen Cameron

Ellen Cameron

MSc (Sheffield)
Canadian and U.K. trained archaeologist with extensive consulting experience in Southeast Asia and New Zealand, including assessment, investigation and heritage site management. Ellen has been a training consultant for UNESCO in Heritage Impact Assessment at World Heritage Sites.

Glen Farley

Glen Farley

MA Hons (Auckland)
New Zealand trained archaeologist with experience in Australia, the UK, and extensive consulting experience in New Zealand, including assessment, investigation and project management. He specialises in GIS and mapping.

Senior Management Team

Kim Tatton

Kim Tatton

MA Hons (Auckland)
Senior Archaeologist
A NZ trained archaeologist, Kim has worked for Auckland Council and HNZPT and as an archaeological consultant.

Meet the Team

Clough & Associates combines the skills of archaeologists, historians and planners.

Jennifer Low

Jennifer Low

MA Hons (Auckland)
Historic Archaeologist, Artefact Specialist

NZ trained historic archaeologist specialising in artefact analysis.

Zarah Burnett

Zarah Burnett

MA Hons (Auckland)

NZ trained historian specialising in NZ history. Previously worked at the Auckland War Memorial Museum and Archives NZ.

Tom Clough

Tom Clough-Macready

BA Hons (Auckland), BCIS (AUT)

New Zealand trained archaeologist and software developer.

Kirstin Roth

Kirstin Roth

MArchP (Otago)

New Zealand trained archaeologist

Doug Gaylard

Doug Gaylard

MA Hons (Auckland)

New Zealand trained archaeologist specialising in the analysis of lithics and lithic debitage.

Hannah Cohen-Smith

Hannah Cohen-Smith

MA Hons (Auckland)

New Zealand trained archaeologist specialising in the analysis of midden.

About Us

Clough & Associates Ltd archaeologists, historians and planners are experts in cultural heritage management.


Clough & Associates Ltd
321 Forest Hill Rd,
Ellen Cameron
M:  (022) 390 5455
E: enquiries@clough.co.nz