Clough & Associates Ltd maintains an active interest in academic research and education. The archaeologists and historians publish in peer-reviewed journals, giving talks on heritage to the professional groups, students and the community. Publishing includes summaries of the excavations undertaken as consultants, technical reports and contributing to heritage interpretation projects. The portfolio below illustrates some of the range of work undertaken.
Bickler, S.H. and R. Shakles. 2023. It’s Not (Just) Cricket: The Archaeology of Cricket Buckles in 19th Century New Zealand. Journal of Pacific Archaeology 13(2):1-17.
Bickler, S.H. and R. Shakles. 2023. Worked Glass Tools Below the Smithy. Archaeology in New Zealand 66(2): 34-55.
Horrocks, M., S.H. Bickler, W. Gumbley and B. Jones. 2023. Plant microfossil and 14C analysis of archaeological features at Coromandel Peninsula, New Zealand: Evidence for regional use of introduced and indigenous plants. Journal of Pacific Archaeology 13(2):1-19.
Cohen-Smith, H., S. H. Bickler, B. Jones, B. Larsen, A. Apfel. 2022. New Tech for Old Jobs: Handheld LiDAR for Feature Recording. Archaeology in New Zealand 65 (2):14-27.
Bickler, S. H. and B. Jones. 2021. Scaling Up Deep Learning to Identify Earthwork Sites in Te Tai Tokerau, Northland, New Zealand. Archaeology in New Zealand 64 (4):16-30.
Bickler, S. H. and J. Low. 2020. Health and Safety for NZ Archaeologists in a Post-Covid-19 World. Archaeology in New Zealand 63(2):49-56.
Jones, B. and Bickler, S.H. 2018. Burrowing into the data: A multi-scalar semi-automatic approach to detect archaeological structures in Airborne LiDAR data. Presented at 2018 NZAA Conference, Auckland.
Bickler, S.H., A. Brown and R. Shakles. 2017. Guidelines for the use of Geophysics in Heritage Management within the Auckland Region.
Farley, G. and Bickler, S.H. 2017. The Timberly Road Excavation, R11/2379, Mangere, Auckland.Archaeology in New Zealand.
Jones, B. and Bickler, S.H. 2017. High Resolution LiDAR data for Landscape Archaeology in New Zealand. Archaeology in New Zealand. Presented at 2017 NZAA Conference, Thames.
Bickler, S.H. 2014. Excavations at Opito Bay, T10/777, Coromandel. Poster presented at 60th Anniversary NZAA Conference, Christchurch, NZ.
Bickler, S.H., J. Low and M. Mulrooney. June 2013. Minding the Gaps in NZ Radiocarbon Dates. Poster presented at NZAA Conference, Cambridge, NZ.
Bickler, S.H., Clough, R. and S. Macready. 2013. The Impact of Climate Change on the Archaeology of New Zealand’s Coastline: A Case Study from Whangarei District. Department of Conservation, New Zealand. Science for Conservation No. 322.
Macready, S., Bickler, S.H., and R. Clough. 2013. Transforming Auckland’s landscape: the role of the entrepreneur. In M. Campbell, S. Macready and S. Holdaway, Finding our Recent Past: Historical Archaeology in New Zealand. NZAA Monograph Publication No 29. pp 167-190.
Harlow, D., B. Baquié, S. H. Bickler. 2012. Kawakawa Bay Wastewater Project: Final Archaeological Report. NZHPT Authority No. 2006-162. Prepared for Watercare Services Limited.
Phear, S. and R. Shakles. 2012. An archaeological investigation in Kamo, Northland - evidence for early settlement and land clearance. Archaeology in New Zealand 55(1):33-53.
Bickler, S.H. MacDiarmid, T. and B. Baquié. 2011. Archaeology of Woodville, Auckland: 3D modelling of built heritage. Archaeology in New Zealand 54(2).
Bickler, S.H. and J. Low. 2007. “Lies, damned lies and geophysics”: Uses and abuses of remote sensing techniques in New Zealand Heritage Management. Archaeology in New Zealand 50(3): 195-210.
Turner, M., K. Hill, and R. Clough. 2005. Chinese Artefacts from a Site at Wakefield St, Auckland. Archaeology in New Zealand 48(3):260-278.
Campbell, M., S. Bickler, R. Clough. 2004. The Archaeology of Omaha Sandspit, Northland, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Archaeology 25(2003):121-157.
Clough & Associates Ltd archaeologists, historians and planners are experts in cultural heritage management.