The archaeologists and other consultants at Clough & Associates Ltd have been involved in all aspects of cultural heritage and resource management.
Statutory requirements for heritage largely fall under the Heritage NZ Pouhere Taonga Act (HNZPTA 2014) and Resource Management Act (RMA 1991).
Under the HNZPTA, assessments for authorities to modify or destroy archaeological sites may be required. If an authority is granted the requirements are set out and could involve monitoring of earthworks or a full scale investigation and recording of all archaeological remains, with a detailed report to Heritage NZ and other stakeholders.
Territorial Local Authorities (TLAs) are responsible for heritage under Sections 6 and 7 of the RMA. Further requirements relating to heritage are often defined in the conditions of the Resource Consent. These usually identify protocols to be followed in the event of unearthing archaeological remains and whether or not monitoring of the earthworks is required. TLAs are also responsible under the RMA for identifying significant heritage within their boundaries. There are greater constraints on proposals affecting items scheduled in District Plans.
The company provides advice at all stages of the process/project, identifying statutory requirements and determining the best approach to a particular project taking both heritage value and the client’s requirements into account
Our archaeologists include some of New Zealand's most experienced archaeologists with extensive training in a range of specialist fields. Our qualifications include graduate and post-graduate degrees from universities in New Zealand, Australia, United Kingdom, Canada and the USA. We have undertaken fieldwork throughout New Zealand as well as the Pacific Islands, USA, Europe and the Near East.
We assist in resource consents, District Plan schedules, TLA Structure Plans, and Conservation Plans..
Archaeological sites of Māori origin have cultural value to Māori, the significance of which is for mana whenua to determine. Mana whenua should be consulted at an early stage in these statutory processes. Where authority is granted to modify sites of cultural value to Māori the archaeologists should be guided by mana whenua in matters of tikanga.
Our historians have extensive experience in New Zealand history and undertake archival and oral history investigations as part of the heritage management processes.
We can undertake assessment and recording of built heritage for heritage management purposes. We also work alongside a number of New Zealand's best conservation architects.
We are actively involved in research on NZ and Pacific Archaeology and History, publishing in peer-reviewed journals and developing presentations to a wide range of audiences. We have worked with students from NZ Universities as well as providing information to stakeholders and other community groups.
Clough & Associates continues to work with a range of clients. Client references are available on request.
Clough & Associates Ltd archaeologists, historians and planners are experts in cultural heritage management.